Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Blog

Yo suckas. I migrated this blog over to a wordpress blog under my murried name so I could be cool with the cool kids.

Add it to your blogroll...get rid of this one and love it.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I have no shame.

Alright. I gave in. I think I am officially....a digital scrapbooker. SICK! I can't tell you how many years I have fought my family on the idiocracy that is scrapbooking. But here I am...posting my first digital scrapbook page on this stupid blog. I almost want to break my own knee caps for it. I can't help it..I'm a graphic designer...this is in my blood. I say if it means I can work with Photoshop, then it's legit design. So suck it all you haters. Digital scrapbooking is kool. In fact, I would even go so far as to suggest that we ban the term scrapbooking and all its unholiness forever. It's graphic design kids...embrace it. It's cheap, it's fun, and it's photoshoppy.

My first page...

Monday, December 22, 2008

To the Nephs

There are two things in life that make everything absofreakinlutely fantastic. 1.) Mitch Morby 2.) Katamari Damacy and 3.) Being an aunt.

I love being an aunt more than most things on this Earth. Collin, Luke, and Henry are easily the koolest kids I know...hands down. I don't have kids yet, but i tell you what...I love these 3 little boys more than is humanly possible. They are not only adorable beyond belief, but so smart and hilarious too. They're like one big jumble of hilarity, and I love them.

You know what sucks though? Living far away from your nephews. Worst thing EVER. I never get to see them...ever. And it kills me. Now that it's Christmas, I miss them more than ever. Yeah..I may or may not have bawled on Sunday because I missed them so dang much. Christmas probably won't be quite the same without them. Collin and I are party animals..don't even get between us and our Cars coloring book. And Luke? shoooooot....we just can't get enough of climbing on things. And sweet baby Henry....cutest baby I know. I'm so so excited that he'll be here for Christmas. I can't wait.

Look at these boys...

Luke's a boy after my own heart...toting a can of diet coke.

Me and C-money go way back...making sweet reindeer snowmen and coloring until our fingers blister. Good times.

Oh man...last year's new years eve? Scrumtrilescent. Me and Collin ran around our neighborhood circle...tooting our horns and eating snow. woot!

And don't you dare forget sweet baby Henry. Henry Christian Hyer. What a bundle of delicious joy.

Being an aunt is easily the best call in life. I couldn't love these nephs more. Colling and Luke, I miss you, buddies. And Henricus, I can't friggin' wait to spend Christmas with you this week. You and your horse are the most adorable pairing since me and my Wonder Horse, Salad, and I love you man.

April and Jill, thank you so much for letting me be an aunt to your beautiful boys. I love them more than you'll ever know. Sorry to get all cheesy on everyone, but...I really can't help it. I have the best nephews in the world. No battle. Keep poppin' 'em out, April and Jill....I need all the nephs I can get.

Thursday, December 18, 2008 piece of poo. I will cut you.

Today whilst driving to the hell hole otherwise known as work, my sweet baby Connie broke down.

For those of you not savvy with the thug life of she is. A beautiful, maroon, pee stain, butt hole Ford Probe. Kill me. I hate her. I really do. Worst car ever invented. Just look at it.

We're talking...we're accelerating and all the sudden she poops her proverbial car pants and just stalls. Luckily we were on a big hill, so we just coasted down to a gas station and bought a 44 oz. Fresca to appease my outright hostility and discombobulation at Connie breaking down yet again. We tried to get to work...we really did. But Connie's tailpipe made a weird whistling noise, and due to my fear of being asphyxiated and Connie's refusal to move past 3rd gear...we had to stay at the gas station.

So what do we do now? I say burn that mother down. I fix Connie every single winter of my discontent, and I've had it. Connie is nothing but a confounded gypsy wagon. I will have no part of it.

So even though Connie is paid for...whatever. I hate you Connie.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

elton and prince holiday gala

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

i heart japan pt. deux

This is what being bored at work will find you.

Also, bless this man for his brash intellect and strange genius.